
So, you want to know all about this website? You’ve come to the right place then.

First off, the 3CX discussed here is very specifically the 3CX Phone System available at 3cx dot com. I will not be giving 3CX free backlinks, hence the URL being spelled out. If you’ve gotten here because of something else called 3CX, I’m sorry but this webpage won’t be of much help. Feel free to read through though.

Next, you’ll notice no ads, no fluff, no fancy themes, just raw content very lightly styled. If you are wondering why, it’s because this website is designed to do one thing, and one thing only: provide honest, unfiltered truth about 3CX. Or at least honest unfiltered truth about 3CX the way the author sees it – these are the authors own thoughts and opinions and should not be construed as anything more then that. They don’t reflect any companies I am associated with, although it will become clear I’m very well versed in 3CX and use it daily.

Lastly, you’ll notice I’ve really not left much in the way to be contacted. No form, no email address, hidden whois, website behind cloudflare – nothing other then the comments section. If by the time you’re done reading though this website you don’t know why, you’ve missed the main reason for this websites existence. If you really must open a dialog with the author, leave a comment with an external link – it should get auto-moderated – and I’ll review the comments at some point. I might even reach out to you – or not.

Happy Reading